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Newest Articles
Documents in this section have appeared or will appear in print or electronic publications. In most cases, the document included on this page is a pre-publication version of the actual article, essay, or explanatory material prepared for a conference proceedings or other lecture. The printed version of the document may contain minor changes made by the publication’s editor.
- Stephen Arnold quoted in USA Today, August 31, 2005. Says “Google is a next-generation computing platform.”

- News release describing “The Google Legacy”, Stephen Arnold’s newest monograph
(Word file, 190 KB), 20 August 2005.
- Fighting for Rankings on Google (PDF, 470 KB), 25 July 2005.
- Press Release: Multiple Enterprise Search Installations Remain the Norm, July 2005.
- Google Relevancy Ranking Issues (PDF, 352 KB), June 2005.
- Google Goes Back to Basics (PDF, 50 KB), June 2005.
- Upcoming Google Seminar 28 July 2005.
- “Trends in Enterprise Search” (DOC, 30 KB), May 17, 2005.
- Search Health Check Up Questions from CIO Insight, (A single HTML page 0.2 Mb), May 2005.
- Review of “The Enterprise Search Report” from Intranets Today, (DOC, 27 KB), May 2005.
- “How Enterprise Search Works” (PDF, 777 KB), April 2005.
- Chiara Fox wrote a detailed review of Stephen Arnold’s “The Enterprise Search Report.” Chiara is a senior information architect for Adaptive Path. She’s worked with Fortune 100 and 500 companies such as PeopleSoft, AT&T, Square D, L.L. Bean, and Hewlett-Packard. We urge you to visit the
Adaptive Path Web site for essays, news, and links related to information technology.
- Searching for Answers article (PDF, 81 KB), February 2005.
- Google and Its Impact on Enterprise Search article (PDF, 1.5 mb), December 2004.
- Gilbane Seminar Reference material (Zipped PDFs 3.6 MB), December 2004.
- Enterprise Search Report press release, October 2004.
- Enterprise Search Report table of contents (PDF, 360 KB), October 2004.
- 20 Questions (with answers) on Enterprise Search (PDF, 1.9 MB), July/August 2004.
- Information Boundaries and Libraries (DOC, 28 KB), February 2004.
- Big Online Customers: Getting Restless, Aren’t They? (DOC, 32 KB), December 2003.
- Interactive Technical Books: A Bloomberg for Engineers (DOC format), 21 November 2003.
- Real-Time News: Can the Gray Ladies Do XML? (DOC format), Summer 2003.
- NewsNow: Hydroblasting Content (DOC format), Spring 2003.
- Clear Forest: Cutting through Content Clutter (PDF, 30 KB), 7 September 2003.
- Search Marketing: The New Internet Gold Rush, June 2003.
- Vivisimo: Clustering Delivers Information Overlook,
article from “Technology from Harrod’s Creek,” May 5, 2003.
- Right-Sizing Content Management (PDF, 329 KB)
Web content management(WCM), April 2003.
- ez2Find: Search Morphs to Global Metasearch,
article from “Technology from Harrod’s Creek,” April 4, 2003.
- Guest editorial--Places and Spaces: mapping the library of tomorrow (PDF, 389, KB)
article from The Electronic Library [Vol. 21, No. 1], January 2003.
- Who Can You Trust? Google, Yahoo! or Overture,
article from “Technology from Harrod’s Creek,” March 14, 2003.
- STM: Seeking The Money,
article from “Technology from Harrod’s Creek,” March 10, 2003.
Reuse of the Articles
Stephen E. Arnold allows these materials to be used by individuals. Libraries and instructors may use the articles in their vertical file or classes. If you have a request that falls outside the boundaries described, please, contact ArnoldIT about your request. We will try to work with you, if possible under copyright law.
Archived Articles
Documents in this section go back almost two decades. Most of Stephen E. Arnold’s published work appears in this section of the Web site. Excluded are articles written for publications unrelated to information technology, the contents of the newsletters he and his colleagues developed, and brief occassional pieces written for company newsletters. Some documents have been scanned and converted to Adobe Portable Document Format files. Some files are large and may require time to download, particularly when the ArnoldIT servers are under heavy load.
Books and monographs are included in this section. The books available on this site are out of print. Stephen E. Arnold’s newest books are not available from this site. At some point in the future, when the books are no longer available from their publishers, portions of The Enterprise Search Report, The Google Legacy, and New Trajectories of the Internet may be made available at some point in the future. New books and monographs will be announced on the ArnoldIT Web site..
Article Archive This page provides links to older articles that
appeared in various journals, trade magazines, and print tabloids. A variety
of file formats are used, including Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF.