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Smart Business Network columns by Stephen E. Arnold

The first series of SBN (Smart Business Network) columns ran from April 2009 to December 2009. You can read the full text of each of these columns about the use of social media for marketing and sales by clicking on the titles in the table below. If you want more information about the strategic use of social networking, navigate to the Strategic Social Networking Web log, otherwise known as the SSN Blog. Want help with social media applied to business objectives, the can help. For more inforation write seaky2000 at yahoo dot com.

  1. Tapping into the Social Marketing Channel, April 2009
  2. Twitter and Marketing Intelligence, May 2009
  3. A Cloud Service to Cut Costs and Pump Up Sales, June 2009
  4. SEO: Juicing Your Web Site Today, July 2009
  5. Instant Mobile Videos: Infomercials in Three Minutes, August 2009
  6. Meet Up Marketing Lessons, September 2009
  7. Social Media: Risks and Reward for Your Business
  8. Social PR: Meetup to Tweetup, November 2009
  9. Twitter Can Lower Marketing Costs, December 2009

These articles are copyrighted by Stephen E Arnold. If you want to reuse them for commercial purposes, contact seaky2000 @ yahoo dot com. If you link or cite these articles in a blog post or on a Web page, a backlink to the full text article is required.

Page updated on Februry 15, 2010.

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